We talked to CBI employees and based on the users’ answers, we identified the competitors of Ambassador App.
After speaking with 10 CBI employees, we found out that the Ambassador app was spun off from an app made for sales representatives so that the app itself was hard for non-sales employees to use. Out of 10 interviewees, only four people had actually used the Ambassador App.
We focused on what apps they can use instead of the Ambassador app when they look for CBI products. We found some apps that compete with the Ambassador app for the attention of CBI employees. They provide context-based experiences for finding and filtering nearby products, and they effortlessly expand user knowledge, by suggesting products by meal, occasion, taste or varietal.

Yelp lets users immediately browse results based on preselected categories, without having to search for a specific term.
Hello Vino provides information about wine pairing so that users can find wines on their own preferences.
But we also realized that evangelizing CBI brands is not the only priority of employees.
“I'll be frank, I’ll go for the food that I want. If they have our product, great. If they don't... I'm going to go and then not buy a CBI product.”
- Sarah, Director at CBI

Even though our client wanted employees to represent the brand anywhere they go, employees had their own personal lives separated from their work. Based on these findings, we built our persona to help us empathize with our users as we start to define the problem they face.
In accordance with Olivia's pain points with the Ambassador app, we created her Friday night journey map. It reveals how frustrated she gets when her friend expects her to be knowledgeable on alcoholic drinks since she works at CBI.